Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Anti Aging Light Treatment

As I'm soon to be turning 27 I have started pondering on different ways to take care of the skin and keep it looking young and healthy. After researching the creams and how expensive they are I thought to myself "There has got to be another way."

An viola there it is anti-aging light treatment

"Unlike topical products that treat the signs of aging from the outside in, Luxe works from the inside-out to actually make your skin to behave younger. As we age both deflation and deterioration makes skin look older than we feel or want. Deflation, a loss of volume, is caused by a reduction in collagen levels. Deterioration shows up as rough texture, overall dullness, redness, fine lines and wrinkles.

Red light technology has been used by dermatologists and skincare professional for its rejuvenating benefits for many years.  Specific wavelengths of red light ( 660nm) are proven to boost overall cellular energy, increasing our body’s natural production of collagen and elastin and increasing microcirculation.  By targeting the signs of skin aging at their source, Luxe effectively turns back the clock to make you look and feel more youthful, rested and refreshed.", Tanda.com's product description.

I can't wait to try it out for myself.


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